martedì 1 marzo 2011

Bo130. Remixed Sessions Paintings.

... an alien mental library, a codified reference scrapbook...

a lysergic journey inside a comic strip...or inside my head!
Go and see for yourself...
New Large mixed media on wood panels ...
Here a sneak preview.

 ► Bo130 - "No Heroes" mix media on wood panel, 140x105

► Bo130 - "Shape Shift" mix media on wood panel, 160x105

Close-ups from various pieces...

► Bo130 - Close up details photo from"Feelin'Blue"

► Bo130 - Close up details photos from two different pieces - "Shape Shift" and "Illegal Alien"

► Bo130 - Close up details photo from "Illegal Alien"


► Bo130 - Close up details photo from "Illegal Alien"
